Pre-service English Language Teachers’ Use of Reflective Journals in an Assessment and Testing Course


  • Jennifer Jaramillo Delgado Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Angélica María Gil Bedoya Universidad Católica Luis Amigó


Palabras clave:

Reflective journals, Language assessment literacy, Pre-service teachers, Teacher education.


This text discusses how the implementation of the reflective journal in a language assessment and testing course for prospective English language teachers at a private university in Medellin, Colombia, contributed to develop their Language Assessment Literacy (LAL). Among the main contributions, future teachers highlight a shift of mind concerning assessment beliefs and a feeling of empowerment towards assessment practices. In the same vein, the text presents prospective teachers’ views on constraints that can emerge when reflective journals are used as a learning strategy in teacher education.


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Cómo citar

Jaramillo Delgado, J., & Gil Bedoya, A. M. (2019). Pre-service English Language Teachers’ Use of Reflective Journals in an Assessment and Testing Course. JSR Funlam Journal of Students’ Research (revista Descontinuada), (4).



Artículos de investigación y reflexión